Sunday, October 24, 2010

IPTV Start-scale operations

Chamber of Harbin Netcom IPTV demo platform is quite spectacular seems to show the operator the full confidence of the industry.

Harbin, more than 60,000 users

Harbin, China Netcom launched the first IPTV service in the pilot cities. Recently, reporters learned that the Office of Netcom in Harbin, as of July 30, the total IPTV users in Harbin city reached 66 212. Heilongjiang Province, China Netcom Communications Group segment Xudong, said general manager, through cooperation with Shanghai Media Group, pioneered the domestic IPTV in Harbin, the real scale of business operation, currently the company's IPTV Heilongjiang communication business has more than 7000 hours of on-demand programs, on-demand programming content updates every week up to 300 hours of. The system consists of UT Starcom's torrents IPTV system to support, is the largest of the commercial deployment of IPTV.

It is understood that the first half of this year, Heilongjiang Province, broadband content applications for more than 10 million paying customers, the completion of revenue 33.33 million yuan, accounting for broadband applications the proportion of broadband revenue to reach 8.16%, the contribution of broadband ARPU value reached 4.13 yuan. The IPTV service from the beginning of the year to July 20, has achieved revenue of 16.38 million yuan, increase broadband ARPU value of 1.06 yuan. Visible, IPTV has been not just run as a pilot project, but began to appear the signs to the industrial development.

Business platform to protect the user experience torrent

Hardware platform in the business, Harbin Netcom cooperation with UT Starcom, in Harbin city set up a central node to store all the program content; the lower nodes with four convergence, convergence user data; there are 40 in the lower edge of the most nodes, storing part of the show. Covers the entire system all 7 District 12 in Harbin suburb, that is basically all the people of Harbin have been covered by this system was. Protection in the business, the current Harbin Netcom to each user's IPTV and ADSL services offer shared bandwidth of 3M, and can automatically adjust the bandwidth limitations of different services to achieve the best QoS results. In the experience, the reporter also found the time to respond to IPTV on-demand very fast, and the general feeling of not much different from cable television.

When asked whether Harbin IPTV system can support the development of long-term users of expansion, UT Starcom, Vice President, IPTV general manager Zhaobo Jun told reporters, Harbin Netcom's IPTV platform is the UT Starcom torrent system , and this system is most characteristic of the server network layer in the business exploitation of the transmission principle of reciprocity (ie, the characteristics of P2P), and the content section, all content is stored in the system network, reducing the content server flow pressure and cost savings. He also told reporters that the number of users of the system is in many cases, the more it can demonstrate its superiority, its architecture is in line with current trends in network traffic.

In the course of the promotion of IPTV, the reporter observed, Harbin, China Netcom, Shanghai Media and equipment provider company UT Starcom together three very good role to play. After a year of hard work, Harbin IPTV has achieved many accomplishments. Zhaobo Jun told reporters that the current industry environment is IPTV is different from a year ago, he said, the policy-oriented significantly more clear than before, content providers have done quite well prepared, and also, in all co-promotion and hard work have accumulated a lot of experience in related services.

Detailed breakdown of sales and marketing program package

In the interview, reporters learned that Harbin's IPTV marketing more detailed work has been a year ago. In the tariff package, the Harbin Netcom will soon be 60 per package of programs to promote further differentiation. Current tariff package has been extended to 3, respectively, 20 yuan, 38 yuan and 60 yuan. Of which 60 per monthly user can enjoy all the IPTV business, including 48-hour times, all of the VOD on-demand resources, and all of the 64 sets of SMG's television programs provided; 38 per monthly package, you can enjoy the times and some VOD video programs; and 20 yuan for 64 packages can watch normal TV programs.

For users, this package is very tempting. Because the reporter has learned that the local cable TV monthly fee is 16 dollars, but provide only 20-30 sets of TV shows. And 20 dollars, you can watch IPTV to 64 sets of programs, the reporter also observed that this program not only includes 64 sets of 12 CCTV channels, and basically covers the provinces of the TV show, there are Netcom and the Shanghai itself some of the characteristics of channels in the entire installation process, the most expensive equipment - set-top box is provided free by the Netcom (but requires users to sign a contract year and a half in the network), the user, or there is a considerable temptation, in addition to local ordinary user, the many local hotels and restaurants have also introduced the IPTV service to the guest room.

It is understood, Harbin Netcom IPTV business in order to create an interactive set up operations centers, line center and marketing center of three relevant departments. The Shanghai Media in the local business sector known as IPTV-100 Vision is responsible for program updates, production and monitoring.鑰岀櫨瑙嗛?鐨勭洃娴嬩腑蹇冨氨浣嶄簬鍝堝皵婊ㄧ綉閫氱殑鍏徃鎬婚儴鍐咃紝鍦ㄩ偅閲岋紝鐢变笂娴锋枃骞垮埗浣滃畬鎴愮殑鑺傜洰鍐呭浠庝笂娴风洿鎺ヨ皟搴﹀埌杩欓噷鐨勭洃娴嬩腑蹇冿紝浼犻?鍒扮敤鎴风殑瀹朵腑銆?br />

灏界濡傛锛孖PTV褰撳墠浠嶇劧澶勪簬鍙戝睍璧锋闃舵锛屾嵁褰撳湴鐨勭綉閫氫笟鍔′汉鍛樹粙缁嶏紝鐜板湪姣忔湀鏂板鐨勭敤鎴锋暟澶ф鏄?000-2000鎴峰乏鍙筹紝杩欎釜閫熷害鐩稿鏉ヨ杩樻槸涓嶅蹇殑銆傚嵆渚挎槸褰撳墠鏈?垚鍔熺殑鍝堝皵婊↖PTV涓氬姟涔熸槸澶勪簬璇曠偣鍚戝ぇ瑙勬ā杩愯惀杞彉鐨勫垵濮嬮樁娈碉紝铏界劧鍙備笌鍚堜綔鐨勪笁鏂逛笉閬椾綑鍔涳紝浣嗘槸鑻ヤ粎浠呮湁涓夋柟鍔涢噺鏉ユ帹鍔ㄦ暣涓骇涓氳繕鏄笉澶熺殑銆備粠鍐呭鎻愪緵鍟嗘潵璇达紝铏界劧涓婃捣鏂囧箍鎻愪緵浜?4濂楄妭鐩紝浣嗘槸杩欑绠?崟鐨勬椂绉昏繕涓嶆槸IPTV鏈?粓鎵?拷姹傜殑鐩爣锛孖PTV鐪熸瑕佽拷姹傜殑鏄竴涓秴澶х殑濯掍綋瓒呭競銆?br />
涓浗浼犲獟澶у娼樺姏鏁欐巿璁や负锛屽湪宸茬粡杩囧幓鐨勫嚑骞达紝骞跨數浼犲獟浜т笟鍜岀數淇″鍊间笟鍔″凡缁忎粠鏈?垵鐨勯檶鐢熷拰闅旈槀锛屽紑濮嬭蛋鍚戞帴瑙﹀拰鍚堜綔锛屽苟涓斿凡缁忓睍鐜颁簡涓?簺鎴愬姛鐨勮寖渚嬨?浣嗘槸鍙屾柟鐨勫悎浣滆繕鍙槸涓?娴呭眰娆$殑锛屽悎浣滅殑鑼冨洿鍜屽箍搴︿粛鐒跺仠鐣欏湪姣旇緝绠?崟鐨勫簲鐢ㄥ眰闈笂锛岄?淇$殑澧炲?涓氬姟鍦ㄥ箍鐢典紶濯掍腑鐨勫湴浣嶈繕涓昏澶勫湪涓庡箍鐢佃妭鐩唴瀹圭殑缁撳悎涓婏紝鏄竴绉嶈緟鍔╁拰灏忚寖鍥寸殑寤朵几锛岃?閫氫俊澧炲?涓氬姟瀵逛簬骞跨數浼犲獟浜т笟鍦ㄦ笭閬撴帶鍒跺拰缁堢瀹㈡埛鐨勫紑鍙戠瓑灞傞潰涓婏紝杩樺鍦ㄥ疄楠屽拰鎽哥储闃舵銆?br />
Observer reporter


鈻犲皬涓?br />
浠庝骇涓氶摼鐨勮搴︽潵璇达紝涓婁笅娓歌繕缂轰箯鑺墖甯傚満浠ュ強鏈洪《鐩掕澶囧拰鐩稿叧璁惧鍘傚鐨勫弬涓庯紝鏁翠釜浜т笟閾剧殑寮哄.鎬т笉寮猴紝甯傚満鐨勭粏鍒嗗拰鎺ㄥ箍娑堝寲宸ヤ綔杩樼己灏戝弬涓庤?銆傛垜浠煡閬撳湪绉诲姩澧炲?棰嗗煙鍐咃紝瀛樺湪鐫?璁稿澶氱殑SP锛屼粬浠線寰?兘澶熸瘮杩愯惀鍟嗘洿鍔犵簿纭湴鎵惧埌鐢ㄦ埛鐨勯渶姹傦紝璁稿瀹惰繖鏍风殑SP灏辫兘鎵惧埌璁稿鎷ユ湁娼滃姏鍜屾満浼氱殑甯傚満锛屼粠鑰屼娇绉诲姩澧炲?涓氬姟寮?睍寰楅椋庣伀鐏?鑰屽湪IPTV鐨勫競鍦轰笂锛岀洰鍓嶆澶勪簬绉疮瀹炲姏鐨勯樁娈碉紝瀵逛簬鏁翠釜浜т笟閾句笂鐨勫弬涓庤?鏉ヨ锛岃繖鏃㈡槸鎸戞垬鍙堟槸鏈洪亣锛屽洜涓哄綋鍓岻PTV浣滀负涓?鑳藉鍦ㄧ粓绔笂浣撶幇鐨勫唴瀹瑰競鍦哄垎閿?钩鍙扮殑娼滃姏杩樻病鏈夎鍙戞帢鍑烘潵锛屾湁涓撳鍒嗘瀽绉帮紝杩欎竴甯傚満濡傛灉寮?彂寰楀綋锛屽彲鑳戒細褰诲簳鏀瑰彉褰撳墠鐨勫唴瀹归攢鍞ā寮忥紝鐢氳嚦鏈夊彲鑳藉鑷磋澶氳涓氱殑閲嶆柊娲楃墝銆?br />
鍝堝皵婊↖PTV浠庢煇绉嶇▼搴︿笂鏉ヨ鏄竴涓瘮杈冩垚鍔熺殑鍓嶆湡鎺㈢储鑰咃紝瀹冪殑鎴愬姛缁忛獙鍦ㄤ簬鍦ㄨ繖閲屽舰鎴愪簡鐢典俊閮ㄩ棬鍜屽箍鐢甸儴闂ㄤ箣闂寸殑鍚堜綔鍏辫耽銆傚湪浠婂勾锛孖PTV甯傚満鐨勬璋冨彲鑳借繕浼氬ぇ浜涳紝姣曠珶澶涔熷緱鍒颁簡涓?紶IPTV鐨勭墝鐓э紝骞朵笖宸茬粡鍦ㄦ渤鍗楀崡闃冲競寮?浜嗚瘯楠屾?鐨勪笟鍔℃帹骞垮伐浣溿?姝ゅ杩樻湁鍗庝负銆佷腑鍏翠互鍙婁笂娴疯礉灏旈樋灏斿崱鐗圭瓑鍘傚涔熷湪绉瀬鍙備笌鍒拌繖涓?涓氫腑鏉ャ?鎹編鍥介珮绉戞妧甯傚満鐮旂┒鏈烘瀯棰勬祴锛屼粖鍚庝笁骞村唴锛屽叏鐞冪殑IPTV璁惧鍜屾湇鍔″競鍦虹殑鏀跺叆灏嗚揪鍒?40浜跨編鍏冦?鈥滄槦鏄熶箣鐏紝鍙互鐕庡師鈥濓紝涔熻鍝堝皵婊ㄧ殑IPTV涓氬姟灏辨槸浠婂ぉ鐨勨?鏄熸槦涔嬬伀鈥濓紝鑰屾槑澶╁叴鏃哄彂杈剧殑鍒欐槸鏁翠釜涓夌綉铻嶅悎涓嬬殑鏈濋槼浜т笟銆?br />


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